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Moonlight Howl Huskies

My name is Dayna Philpot and I am the breeder behind Moonlight Howl Huskies.  My passion for dogs as companions began as a child.  I have always loved being surrounded by animals, but dogs have always had my heart. Russell, the red and white male in the photo below in the middle, was my first Siberian Husky. Honestly, I didn’t know as much as I should have prior to choosing him.  Once he was mine, I KNEW huskies were what had been missing in my life! All 7 of my current huskies are part of my daily life. They live inside my home with me and are my children.  We LOVE land mushing/bikejoring, howl parties, cuddles, and just being together. 

When I began my track toward serving as a professional counselor, I realized the incredible value to pairing animals into the therapeutic process. There was a live in therapy dog named Sophie at the children’s residential home that I was part. I was amazed at how Sophie’s presence brought a calmness to the children who were often in distress. It was then that I decided to guide my pack through professional obedience training, AKC canine good citizen training and testing, and Alliance of Therapy Dogs training.  

Since beginning to use my pack in my private practice, my passion for reproducing the love and therapeutic presence a well-bred and raised husky provides for people.  Please review each member of my pack to get to know their particular personality traits and characteristics.  

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